The Jews in Jurisprudence Speech by Dr. Frank delivered at the Congress of the Reich Association of University Professors in Berlin on 3 October 1936. Source: Klaus Hohlfeld, Dokumente der Deutschen Politik Vol. IV, (Berlin 1954) Pages 225-230. … This topic embraces all that in our opinion will contribute to establishing National Socialism in the field of jurisprudence and eliminating any alien racial spirit. We National Socialists have begun with Anti-Semitism in our fight to free the German people, to re-establish a German Reich and to build our entire German spiritual, cultural and social life on the indestructible foundations of our race. We started an enormous battle in 1919… It took all the self-confidence of German manhood in this fight to replace Jewish corruption with the German spirit, to withstand and to triumph over the concerted attacks of mighty world powers of which Jewry is a representative. We National Socialist Jurists have a particular mission of our own to accomplish in this battle. We construct German law on the foundations of old and vital elements of the German people… It Obviously hardly needs mentioning that any participation whatsoever of the Jew in German law - be it in a creative, interpretative, educational or critical capacity - is impossible. The elimination of the Jews from German jurisprudence is in no way based on hatred or envy, but on the understanding that Jewish influence on German life is essentially a pernicious and harmful one. In the interests of the German people and in order to protect its future, a dividing line must be drawn between us and the Jews… I would like to ask you to be thankful and to recognise the fact that the National Socialist movement alone, and each and every SA and SS man in it, have made it possible for you to act independently of Jewish hegemony. The spirit of National Socialism, the willingness for self-sacrifice, the accomplishments of National Socialists and the outset of this revolutionary era of Germandom should be alive in your universities.